Testing with Jest using React Craco

React with Webpack and Craco

We started a React App way back in the day. Before React hooks were even a thing. So Create React App was the de facto way of creating a react app. But then as time went on Tailwind was the next hot thing (for good reason as well I absolutely love it). This meant we had to update to using craco instead of react-scripts. Essentially Craco just felt like a patch over react-scripts and has caused me some minor inconveniences when setting up Jest. A lot of articles would say how to config Jest in a certain way, but it was always slightly different in CRACO. So I hope this article helps the next person who is in my current situation.

TLDR: This is guide for setting up Jest is only React with a CRACO setup.


Firstly install the following

yarn add jest
yarn add ts-jest

craco.config.js configuration

This is where we put the config for jest. Note that moduleNameMapper is pretty important if you use alias mapping for importing paths.

const jestConfig = {
  configure: {
    preset: 'ts-jest',
    verbose: true,
    transform: {
      '^.+\\.ts?$': 'ts-jest',
      '^.+\\.(js|jsx)$': 'babel-jest',
    transformIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/'],
    moduleNameMapper: {
      '^@(.*)$': '<rootDir>/src', // should to match the {webpack: alias} config

Now under module.exports you can use the jestConfig

module.exports = {
	jest: jestConfig
	... all your other webpack config goes here

Create a test

Inside your src folder create a test folder to encapsulate all your tests in one location. Then make contextual folders based on what you are testing. Then within a file like context.test.ts

describe('Overall description for test', () => {
  it('Does a specific unit test', async () => {
    const result = await getData()